A voter in Virginia is eligible to vote absentee on Election Day under the following circumstances:
The individual is a student attending college or university outside of locality of residence in Virginia.
The individual is a spouse of student attending college or university outside locality of residence in Virginia.
The individual has business outside County/City of residence on election day.
The individual has personal business or vacation outside County/City of residence on election day.
The individual is working and commuting to/from home for 11 or more hours between 6:00 AM and 7:00 PM on election day.
The individual is a first responder (law enforcement, fire fighter, emergency technician, etc.).
The individual has a disability or illness.
The individual is primarily and personally responsible for the care of a disabled/ill family member confined at home.
The individual is pregnant.
The individual is confined, awaiting trial.
The individual is confined, convicted of misdemeanor.
The individual is an electoral board member, registrar, officer of election, or custodian of voting equipment.
The individual has a religious obligation.
The individual is an Active Duty Merchant Marine or Armed Forces.
The individual is a spouse or dependent living with
an Active Duty Merchant Marine or Armed Forces member.
The individual is temporarily residing outside U.S.
The individual is temporarily residing outside of U.S. for employment or spouse or dependent residing with employee.
The individual is requesting a ballot for presidential and vice-presidential electors only.
The individual is an authorized representative of candidate or party serving inside the polling place.