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Report: Thousands of children are getting sex change drugs and surgeries in American hospitals and clinics


The findings, based on publicly available insurance data, came out just before a national survey showed that a majority of Americans believe that such radical, experimental, and permanent procedures should be banned for everyone under the age of 18.

A new poll shows that a majority of Americans want a federal ban on gender transitions for minors even as newly released data shows that hospitals and clinics across America have been prescribing drugs and performing mutilating surgeries on thousands of children to the tune of $120 million in insurance payments.

Conducted by Noble Predictive Insights, the poll drew responses from 2,560 people. The survey asked numerous questions about current issues, one of which was: โ€œShould the federal government ban transgender procedures, such as puberty blockers and gender-related surgeries, for minors?โ€

Of those surveyed, 59 percent say that the procedures should be banned. Those numbers included a majority of all demographics, including racial groups, genders, ages, income levels, political affiliations, educational levels, and whether or not someone had children โ€” except for two. Less than half of Democrats (36 percent) and blacks (46 percent) thought that there should be a ban.

The polling data emerges just after the medical advocacy group Do No Harm released a database showing that hospitals across the United States performed gender transition surgeries or prescribed puberty blockers and cross-sex hormones to nearly 14,000 children over the period between 2019 and 2023.

According to the database, which pulls from publicly available data and insurance claims, at least 13,994 children received sex-change related treatments during that timeframe, including 5,747 sex change surgeries. Another 8,579 minor patients received 62,682 hormone and puberty blocker prescriptions.

The total cost to insurance companies for all gender transition treatments was $120 million.

Do No Harm was meticulous in ensuring certainty with the figures that it included in its database. However, the organization admitted that the numbers of gender transition treatments on minors are likely much higher that what it has reported. Thatโ€™s because some insurance companies, including Kaiser, donโ€™t provide insurance information on such treatments and some parents or patients pay the hospitals directly.

Dr. Stanley Goldfarb, Do No Harmโ€™s chairman, stated, โ€œIf anything, we’re showing the lower limits of what’s going on in this whole arena.โ€

The database also compiled a โ€œDirty Dozenโ€ of hospitals who were deemed the worst in performing gender transitions on minors.

Those 12 hospitals are:

The database also lists the top 10 doctors (but not their names) and the top 10 healthcare institutions that have billed insurance for the highest amount to perform sex change services. The doctor who was highest on the list worked at Boston Childrenโ€™s Hospital and billed insurance providers $5,192,202.

The top institution was Mount Sinai Beth Israel in New York City, which billed insurance for $8,224,971.

โ€œWith the launch of the Stop the Harm Database, Do No Harm is building on our mission to expose the dangers of experimental pediatric gender medicine and bring the practice to an end,โ€ Goldfarb stated in a press release.

โ€œThis first-of-its-kind project provides patients, families, and policymakers with a resource that reveals the pervasiveness of irreversible sex-change treatments for minors in America. While this data represents the tip of the iceberg, this is the first step in holding the medical establishment accountable for participating in, and often times promoting, predatory and unscientific medical interventions for vulnerable children.โ€

Chloe Cole a detransitioner, who filed a first of its kind lawsuit against the Permanente Medical Group, Kaiser Foundation Health Plan, and Kaiser Foundation Hospitals, which performed and enabled her gender transition as a minor, said that the database โ€œproves the liesโ€ that โ€œcases like mine are rare.โ€

She explained that the numbers in the database represent โ€œthousands of kids who are being treated like Guinea pigs for unproven, and sometimes dangerous, medical experiments.โ€

Meanwhile, the National Catholic Register noted that the database reveals that nearly 150 Catholic hospitals performed sex change treatments on minors. In 2023, the U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops published guidelines which said that altering oneโ€™s physical characteristics to change oneโ€™s gender is โ€œnot morally justified.โ€

Other religious hospitals and systems including Baptist, Methodist, and Jewish hospitals around the nation also performed sex change procedures.

Because any person not steeped in gender ideology would say itโ€™s wrong to perform irreversible gender surgeries on minors, the media, medical establishment, gender activists, and politicians have spent nearly a decade telling Americans that surgical procedures were not being done on minors. They tried to placate the horrified masses by saying that only puberty blockers and cross-sex hormones were being given to children.

As more and more evidence emerged of surgeries performed on children some began to say, โ€œitโ€™s happening, but itโ€™s very rare.โ€

Now we have the receipts. Itโ€™s happening and it’s not rare.

While this database is very important and informative, it does not show all the children who are being abused by the gender movement and doctors seeking to make a buck or pursue an ideology.

We also know that even though 25 states have now banned these procedures in minors, some hospitals and clinics will find ways to get around those bans.

While these numbers are horrifying, the real numbers are much higher.

Tens of thousands of minors are being preyed upon by activists and medical opportunists. Minors cannot possibly understand what they are agreeing to when they, usually prodded and encouraged by activists, social media influencers, teachers, therapists, and doctors, start down the path to using harmful medical interventions to try to change their sex. They must be protected.

Advocates shout that if children donโ€™t receive gender transitions they will commit suicide. That was always a blatant lie, and it has since been proven that going through gender transitions actually increases the risk of suicide. Thatโ€™s because children who go through these experimental, dangerous treatments and procedures experience mental health difficulties, sexual dysfunction, endocrinological problems, loss of bone density, brain swelling, heart problems, sterility, and numerous other problems. Worse, as so many detransitioners have testified, they can never go completely back.

There is no benefit to gender transitions and there is a lifetime of harm. It is an abomination and itโ€™s well past time for all states and the federal government to carry out their role and protect these vulnerable and unsuspecting children from predatory practitioners.

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