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Trump’s victory is not an end but a beginning — the beginning of a concerted effort to restore America to a place where Christianity is not just tolerated but respected, where our values shape our laws, and where our faith informs our actions.
With Donald Trump’s re-election as president, Christians in America stand at a crossroads. Some see this victory as a providential appointment, with God graciously granting a reprieve for America from the progressive onslaught. Others might see it as a mere political shift.
In this article, I want to cover some important issue areas in a brief and broad manner and then conclude with a list of specific recommendations from Andrew Walker, a professor of ethics at the Southern Baptist Theological Seminary.
Trump has made it clear the defending our First Amendment guarantee to religious liberty is important to him. Praise God for that! As his administration begins, Christians and relevant faith-based organizations should push to see that this commitment to religious liberty be expanded beyond our sanctuary walls. True religious freedom means the right to live out one’s faith in the marketplace, in education, in government, and in the public square.
During the second Trump administration, Christians should look for policies ensuring that Christian business owners can operate according to their conscience, that Christian schools remain free from ideological indoctrination, and that public officials can reference their faith without fear of reprisal.
During his first term in office, Donald Trump was the most pro-life president in American history. His Supreme Court judicial appointments directly led to the overturning of Roe v. Wade. However, the fight for life is far from over. Christians should unapologetically push the new Trump administration to pursue federal protections for the unborn and not just state-by-state victories. This includes defunding Planned Parenthood, supporting adoption agencies, and ensuring that life is protected from conception to natural death.
Marriage and family are under siege. Christians should use these next four years to advocate for policies that strengthen these institutions. This could mean tax policies that favor married couples, particularly those with children, and a pushback against the redefinition of family beyond biblical norms. We should encourage Trump to aggressively pursue an anti-transgenderism agenda that ends the horrific sterilization and mutilation of minors in our nation. He detailed what that might look like in a campaign video, and Christians should push forward and help hold his administration accountable to achieving these ends.
The government monopoly on the education system in America has turned it into a conduit for secularism and anti-American indoctrination. Christians should look to Trump to champion legislation that supports school choice and parental rights in education, allowing parents to use their tax dollars to send their child to schools that align with their values, possibly through expanded voucher systems.
During the campaign, Trump also committed to ending the U.S. Department of Education. Many are excited about this prospect. But we need more than that, particularly on the academic front. We need a curriculum that returns to the basics of reading, writing, and arithmetic and includes the teaching of our nation’s Christian heritage. Trump should also encourage states to adopt policies that allow for prayer in schools, the teaching of creation alongside evolution, and ensure that educators do not impose their personal ideologies on students.
During these next four years, Christians should not retreat into a holy huddle but engage the culture. One way to do that is to advocate for Trump’s administration to foster an environment where Christian artists, filmmakers, writers, and thinkers are encouraged, possibly through cultural grants or by recognizing and supporting Christian contributions to the arts. This engagement should also mean a robust defense of free speech, ensuring that Christians can speak truth to power without censorship.
Christians should rightly ask Trump to use his presidential platform to call out moral decay, not just in politics but in society at large. This includes speaking against pornography, human trafficking, and moral relativism. His rhetoric should inspire a return to virtue, of responsible citizenship, and of patriotic Americanism. America is desperate for moral leadership. And whatever one might think about Donald Trump, we can certainly pray that the Lord would use and inspire him to provide this leadership from the White House over the next four years.
In a recent post on X (formerly Twitter), Professor Walker outlined “20 suggestions for a social conservative agenda that [Donald Trump] should enact as President in his second term.”
I think these are excellent suggestions that would help accomplish many of the broad goals stated above, so I list them all here (lightly edited for style and clarity):
1. Implement the Mexico City Policy that cuts off federal funding to foreign non-governmental organizations (NGOs) that provide and refer for abortions.
2. Cut off federal funding for Planned Parenthood.
3. Fight for free speech and religious liberty.
4. Emphasize parental rights in education.
5. Fight for school choice.
6. Remove the teaching of Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (DEI) in public education.
7. Fight gender transitions for youth (and adults where possible).
8. Oppose gender ideology.
9. Eliminate the U.S. Department of Education.
10. Oppose the Equality Act.
11. Appoint conservative Supreme Court justices.
12. Use executive branch authority in whatever capacity to end and limit abortion.
13. Implement a tax credit for homeschool families and private school tuition.
14. Eliminate marriage penalties in the tax code.
15. Expand the child tax credit.
16. Form a commission to investigate transgender medical authorities.
17. Age verification for social media and porn.
18. Prevent males from competing in female sports.
19. Investigate anti-Christian bias in the federal government.
20. Pardon all the pro-life defendants and prisoners who were prosecuted under the FACE Act.
Walker concludes by adding, “President-elect Trump needs to appoint an advisor for social policy to address these policies head-on” — another great suggestion that Christians can and should support.
Christians in America must now rise to the occasion. Trump’s win is not a time for complacency but for active engagement. We should pray for our leaders to be sure, but we must also hold them accountable to these principles. We ought to be salt and light, not just in our churches but in our communities, our workplaces, and indeed, in the halls of power.
Trump’s victory is not an end but a beginning — the beginning of a concerted effort to restore America to a place where Christianity is not just tolerated but respected, where our values shape our laws, and where our faith informs our actions. Let us not squander this opportunity for a Christian renaissance in America.
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