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Even Amid Natural Disaster, God Is Sovereign


As Hurricane Milton bears down on Florida, we must continue to stand firm in the knowledge that God is still in control and He alone is our protector.

As Hurricane Milton barrels toward Florida, the headlines warn of deadly storm surges, destructive winds, mass evacuations, and devastation.

Gov. Ron DeSantis has declared a state of emergency, but Christians must remember something far more important — our true refuge and strength comes from God. Psalm 46:1 proclaims, “God is our refuge and strength, a very present help in trouble.”

While we must take practical steps to protect ourselves, we know that nothing happens outside of His divine will. God, not man, controls every element of creation.

In moments like these, Christians are called to live out bold faith. While the world scrambles for temporary solutions and seeks security in human structures, we declare our hope in the sovereignty of God. We must be unwavering in our conviction that God is in control, even when everything seems uncertain. Faith is not simply about being calm in the storm but about standing firm in the assurance that God reigns, regardless of the circumstances.

The Inherent Value of Human Life

Every person in the path of this storm — whether evacuating or staying — is made in the image of God (Genesis 1:27). This reality must shape our prayers and actions. Christians are called to uphold the value of life by offering shelter, aid, and comfort to those in need. The Church should stand as a light in times of disaster, not only providing practical help but pointing people to the ultimate hope found in Christ.

However, it’s equally important to recognize that despite human efforts, it is God who sustains life. He determines our days, and it is His sovereign hand that controls the outcome of every event. We must trust in His plan, even in the face of danger, knowing that our times are in His hands.

Natural Disasters and the Broken World

Hurricanes like Milton and Helene are stark reminders that we live in a fallen world. Romans 8:22 tells us that “all creation groans” under the weight of sin. The pain and devastation caused by these disasters are direct results of the Fall, and we long for the day when Christ will return to make all things new. It is not climate science that will restore this world, but Christ alone. He is the One who will redeem creation from the curse of sin.

Some are sure that technology and government policies will save them, but Scripture warns us against putting our hope in human efforts. Psalm 20:7 says, “Some trust in chariots and some in horses, but we trust in the name of the Lord our God.” When we see people looking to governments and science as their ultimate savior, we should compassionately direct them to the true hope that rests in the unchanging power of God.

Our Hope in the New Creation

Revelation 21:1-4 promises us that one day, in the new heavens and new earth, there will be no more pain, suffering, or natural disasters. The hurricanes, earthquakes, and wildfires we see now are temporary, reminders of a world that is passing away. Our hope is not in this world but in the promise of eternal life through Christ. Hurricanes like Milton should increase our longing for that day when there will be no more storms and no more death.

Until that day comes, we stand firm in the truth that God is in control. We don’t place our hope in the shifting opinions of man, but in the eternal Word of God.

Secularists Are Wrong to Dismiss Prayer

In times of crisis, some secularists often dismiss or mock the power of prayer, arguing that it does nothing in the face of real challenges.

They couldn’t be more wrong. Prayer is one of the most powerful actions we can take because it acknowledges the truth — God alone governs creation.

Those who criticize prayer do so because they refuse to recognize their own limitations. They want to believe that humanity is in control of its destiny. But in reality, it is God who directs the winds, the waves, and the outcome of every storm.

When Christians pray, we are doing more than offering empty words — we are calling on the God who created the universe to act according to His will. Prayer is not a passive response, but an active demonstration of faith in the One who holds all power.

As we prepare for Hurricane Milton, our prayers for protection, safety, and healing are essential. Secular critics may not understand, but we know that God hears and responds to the prayers of His people.

A Prayer on God’s Sovereignty and Protection

Sovereign Protector of our souls,
In Your hands, we live, move, and find our being.
We acknowledge that the safety of every moment comes from Your power.

Your providence governs the course of our lives, and even in the midst of storms, we trust in Your protection.

As we face the uncertainties brought by this storm, we turn to You for shelter and safety. May You watch over all those in the path of danger, protecting families, homes, and communities.

Strengthen those who are responding to the crisis, and grant peace to those who are anxious. Help us remember, Lord, that even the winds and waves are subject to Your command. We trust not in our own strength but in Your sovereignty to guide us through the storm. Provide comfort and resilience to all who seek refuge in You during these times of trial.

Adapted from The Valley of Vision: A Collection of Puritan Prayers & Devotions

As we await the storm’s arrival, may we also find refuge in this powerful reminder: God is sovereign over all creation, and He alone is our Protector. Let us remain steadfast in prayer, trusting His will and care through every storm.

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