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The Left Values Pride Flags Painted on the Street More than Historic Monuments

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Those in power are using the justice system and deception to try to force everyone to bow to a new secular orthodoxy. As Americans and Christians, it’s time we stop cowering in fear and start speaking the truth.

It is becoming increasingly obvious that Americans live under a two-tiered justice system. Perhaps nothing shows this disparate treatment more than the left’s “protest for me but not for thee” philosophy that sees Black Lives Matter, pro-Hamas, or pro-abortion followers permitted to riot and commit serious crimes while those who oppose the left’s orthodoxy receive the full weight of the justice system.

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For example, when someone ran over the LGBT pride flag painted on a crosswalk in Spokane, Washington, various city officials and members of the community held a tear-filled press conference to announce that they had launched a manhunt for the perpetrators.

Not long after, three teenagers were arrested for driving scooters over the mural and leaving behind barely visible tire marks.

The teenagers, one 19 and two under 18, were charged with 1st Degree Malicious Mischief.

Scooter rental company Lime has condemned the “vile acts” and has now implemented a no-go zone on the mural so that anytime a person drives a Lime scooter over the mural, which again is painted on the road, the scooter will come to a complete stop so the person can no longer drive it.

In February, 19-year-old Dylan Brewer was also arrested and charged with felony criminal mischief for leaving tire marks on a pride mural in Delray, Florida. The city repainted the mural and held a ceremony to celebrate. The next day there were more tire marks.

Meanwhile…pro-Hamas protesters surrounded the White House where they defaced historic monuments to war heroes of the Revolutionary War and the War of 1812 in Lafayette Square, praised Hamas’s “resistance,” and held a mask made to look like a bloodied severed head of President Joe Biden as they condemned Israel and the United States. They also raised the Palestinian flag over the monuments. One protester interviewed made it clear that he supported Hamas’s attack on civilians on October 7, calling it “brilliant” and saying he supported the terror group’s resistance by “any means necessary.”

Reports claim that police attempted to arrest one protester but were chased from the square by the mob. Video shows one brave National Parks employee standing guard over a monument, but he was unsuccessful at stopping the vandalism.

Don’t hold your breath that a single one of these activists will face any punishment.

So just to sum this up: Cities are using taxpayer dollars to paint an altar to a polarizing ideology — the state’s ideology — on taxpayer-funded streets and after some people make their displeasure known, cities use more taxpayer dollars to repaint the shrines and arrest and charge the people leaving tire marks on a street.

Outside the White House, mass mobs of people waving a foreign flag and a faux severed head of our President cheer the murder of our Israeli allies, deface taxpayer-funded monuments celebrating war heroes, burn our flag, raise a foreign flag over the monuments, and chase police from the area — and there are no arrests.

There are so many facets to this that deserve to be discussed, but I want to leave you with a few takeaways.

Biased Justice Is No Justice

Our “justice system” is tragically biased against anyone who won’t bow the knee to the new orthodoxy.

We live in a nation that harasses and jails sickly grandmothers who peacefully protest the killing of children but drops charges against those who kill sickly grandmothers.

Last fall, U.S. Attorney Matthew Graves prosecuted 75-year-old Paulette Harlow for her role in a non-violent protest of the Washington Surgi Clinic. Harlow, who uses a wheelchair and has a number of serious health issues, was sentenced on May 31 to two years in federal prison. This is what Graves said about the protest:

“Our Constitution and laws protect many rights — to protest, to debate, to advocate for different laws. But no one is entitled to deprive other people of their civil rights. That’s a crime.… As these verdicts show, our city will not tolerate that, and our department will ensure justice is done.”

By contrast, when a criminal carjacked a vehicle from the front of the Washington Hospital Center with a 55-year-old grandmother, Leslie Marie Gaines, still in the passenger seat, then crashed into the U.S. Attorney’s Office, killing Gaines, Graves dropped the kidnapping and murder charges.

The reason Gaines was at the hospital that day was because she was in the midst of an emergent medical crisis; after parking in front of the ER, her daughter had stepped away from the car in order ask for assistance in getting her mother out of the car.

What about Gaines’s civil rights? Her right to life? Her right to go to the hospital and not get kidnapped while waiting for a wheelchair? Her right to not be stressed and frightened in a wild drive with a carjacker at high speed resulting in a crash into the U.S. Attorneys’ office and her untimely death? The Harlow/Gaines connection is just another example of the legal system going after political opponents and letting actual violent criminals get away with little more than a slap on the wrist.

The “Golden Image” of Secular Tyranny

The government has established a “religion” that they’ve turned into a golden image; now they are using the justice system to force everyone to bow down to it.

The first step in this process was to normalize behavior. Not all that long ago the vast majority of the United States believed gay marriage should be illegal; that children with gender dysphoria needed therapy, not drugs and mutilating surgeries; and that women dealing with an unplanned pregnancy should be encouraged to love their children and either keep them or give them up for adoption.

Yet after a blitzkrieg of media hype, tearful press conferences, propaganda, and court decisions that invented “rights” out of thin air, most Americans began to think, “Maybe I’m the weird one,” and public opinion shifted.

Suddenly saying that men who wear dresses are not actually women is “incitement to violence,” but holding a severed bloody head of the President of the United States or pole dancing in front of children is free speech.

Those who the woke can indoctrinate they will through schools, social media, brainwashing tactics, and “expert” manipulation.

Meanwhile, those who have strong convictions or refuse to be silenced or intimidated will be harassed using all manner of policing tools, including lawfare and early morning FBI SWAT team raids to arrest peaceful citizens on trumped up charges.

Send enough people to jail or bankrupt them through legal battles and eventually the rest of the unwashed masses will get the message and start to self-censor.

Protesters or Colonizers?

It’s important to realize that those so-called protesters waving the Palestinian flag and chanting death to America and Israel are not protesters. They’re insurrectionists. Many tried to warn about the dangers of taking in millions of largely unvetted “refugees” from Islamofascist countries under the Obama administration. Many warned about hostile countries  influencing the education system.

Now the proverbial chickens have truly come home to roost.

The scores of those steeped in America- and Jew-hating ideology who have come to our country aren’t immigrating to America, they’re colonizing it.

Resistance is Possible — and Necessary

My final point is that Americans don’t have to put up with any of this.

Alexandr Solzhenitsyn, a Soviet dissident whose country turned on him, gave us a blueprint. On the day before he was forced to leave his family, friends, and homeland to live a life in exile, he published an essay to his fellow Russians entitled “Live Not by Lies.”

He said it was the lies that gave their tyrannical overlords their power, writing,

“And therein we find, neglected by us, the simplest, the most accessible key to our liberation: a personal nonparticipation in lies! Even if all is covered by lies, even if all is under their rule, let us resist in the smallest way: Let their rule hold not through me!”

He gave actual examples of how people could refuse to participate in their own oppression, such as refusing to express messages that were lies and refusing to buy a newspaper that peddles lies.

How does that apply to today’s culture? Here’s what we have to do:

Don’t use the preferred pronouns.

Don’t say a man can be a woman.

Don’t refer to abortion as “reproductive care.”

Don’t use the euphemism “end the pregnancy” when what’s actually taking place is “killing an unborn baby.”

Do walk out of events that are spouting, in Solzhenitsyn’s words, “ideological drivel or shameless propaganda.”

Yes, there will be consequences, as Solzhenitsyn warned. People will lose their jobs, they will fail tests, they might go to jail, they will face massive social pressure to conform and probably lose friends and family. And they will probably be labeled “violent” for engaging in this kind of peaceful non-compliance.

But the alternative is worse.

So call out the lies, defy the lies, ignore the lies. But never, ever repeat them.

Exercise Your Rights and Stand Your Ground

It’s also important to remember that while America is still under attack, the system of checks and balances that undergird its foundation are still in place. The Constitution, though not followed or even respected by many in government, still guards your freedoms and there are still judges who honor their oath to uphold them.

Challenge your school board if it tries to indoctrinate your child and maybe consider homeschooling them or enrolling them at a private school. Challenge the legality of your city adopting and championing a secular ideology and demanding that everyone affirm it.

Vote for candidates who share your values and have ideas for how to push back. If such candidates aren’t available, consider running for office yourself. In the meantime, tell your friends, family, and neighbors about what’s going on. Go to townhall meetings and school board meetings and speak up. Pester your congressman. Share the Gospel and pray for revival.

The culture increasingly is demanding that you bow down before the golden image it has set up and worship it.

They can demand all they want, but you don’t have to comply. We’re Americans and Christians. We don’t have to cower in fear. It’s time to stand tall and boldly speak the truth.

PHOTO CREDIT: YouTube Screenshot

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