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JOHN COOPER: Our Society Is Run By The Wimpy, Weak, And Woke


If we don’t stand against our current insanity, we will have to answer to our children’s children about why we sat silently as the world devolved into madness.

You don’t have to be a genius to know that something is deeply wrong. Prayer in schools is outlawed, but teaching kids radical gender theory in kindergarten is mandatory. Parents who don’t want CRT or radical sex education taught to their five year olds are seen as a danger to their children, whilst celebrating drag queen story hour is praised as virtuous. Racism is anathema, unless it is racism against whites, Jews, and Asians; in which case, racism is “justice.”

All of this is because—as the title of my book suggests—our society is Wimpy, Weak, and Woke.

We are at the brink of the demise of Western civilization. Some blame it on culture war, partisan politics, or tribalism. But I believe that this is a misdiagnosis. The division in America is between those who believe that the principles of America and the West are good, and those who see the West as oppressive, intolerant, and frankly, the cause of all injustice and inequity across the globe.

Ordinary Americans were scratching their heads trying to fathom why college students were cheering on Hamas after they butchered babies, raped women, and took civilians as hostages. How in God’s name is this possible?

And as the rise of hate crimes against Jews in America skyrocketed, the Biden administration decided to tackle it by announcing an initiative to stop hate…wait for it…against Muslims. This is reminiscent of when a trans-identified shooter massacred six people at a Christian school this past March in Nashville, and the Biden admin reacted by calling for tolerance and solidarity—not for Christians, but for “the trans community.”

To understand the upside-down world we are living in, you must understand that morality is no longer viewed as a static metric. There are no righteous or wicked acts, in and of themselves. Absolute morality is outdated. It is seen as a Western, Christian way of thinking. And thinking Christianly is the biggest no-no of all. Instead, try thinking in terms of the oppressors and oppressed. Think of unequal outcomes between social groups. Those at the top—the oppressors—retain their power by enslaving and brutalizing everyone else. Therefore, any action against them is justified, simply based on the fact that they are at the top. That’s what makes them evil.

As I write in my new book, Wimpy, Weak, and Woke—“To the revolutionaries, the only thing right is revolution. The only thing wrong is non-revolution. Any action that assists the revolution is moral. Anything that impedes it is immoral.”

So BLM riots that burn down cities is moral. Speaking against the burning down of cities is immoral. Hamas raping and murdering innocents is justified. Speaking against Hamas is supporting genocide. 

I remember asking my grandfather, who was a Marine in World War II, “Why did the world stay silent about Hitler for so long?” I remember asking my father, “Why didn’t more whites march with MLK?”

Well, if we don’t stand against our current insanity, we will have to answer to our children’s children about why we sat silently as the world devolved into madness. “Why did people think that a boy could get pregnant, or that a girl could have a penis, grandpa? Why did Americans cheer as Israeli babies were burned alive in ovens and women were raped? And why did people say that a person could be a cat?!”

And as we ponder why we squandered away the freest, most prosperous nation in the history of the world, will have no other answer besides, “Because we were wimpy, weak, and woke.”

This article was originally published by the Daily Caller News Foundation.

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