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The Left Has Always Shown Who They Are — Too Bad The West Didn’t Believe Them

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Barefaced barbarity is back in our post-Christian world, and the Marxists and Jihadists and their deluded woke allies are cheering it on.

Talk show hostess Oprah Winfrey often liked to tell her audience that one of the most important things she ever learned from the poet Maya Angelou was, “When people show you who they are, believe them.”

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The West is showing it has failed to learn that lesson.

For close to 100 years, and really for much longer, the Arab world has been showing — and telling — the West who they are.

The Palestinians aligned themselves with the Nazis and sought to eliminate the Jews. The Palestinians have, since the 1930s, rejected any two-state solution. Palestinian supporters have chanted since the 1960s “from the river to the sea,” which has been used to declare their wish that Israel be eliminated. The Iranian government has continually told the world that its greatest desire is to wipe Israel, and America, off the face of the earth, eradicating the Jews.

Yet American and Western leaders didn’t believe them, or they quietly supported their cause. Americans have consistently failed to understand the way that the Islamic world thinks. When it says it wants to commit genocide, it means it. Despite their promises to commit another Holocaust and their refusal to accept any peace except for the elimination of Israel, Western leaders continue to paint Israel as the aggressor, condemning any military action it undertakes to defend itself against unending terror as well as condemning its claim to any land.

The United States has helped Iran, which hates Israel and America, by paying them billions of dollars in exchange for American hostages and by entering a nuclear deal that would help Iran to secure nuclear weapons. I don’t know about you, but if someone tells me they want to kill me, I don’t hand them a gun.

Even now, Hamas is calling for a day of global jihad on Friday, showing that its war isn’t only against the supposed oppressor nation of Israel but also against Jews and Christians.

And it isn’t just in the Middle East where the West has failed to take enemies at their word. It’s also here at home. I’m not talking about the decision to let in thousands of Islamic refugees without properly vetting them or the failure to secure the southern border, allowing potential terrorists to enter our country — two policies that have now led to the large pro-Palestinian, anti-Israel, swastika-brandishing gatherings we’ve seen in places like Dearborn, Michigan, and New York City.

I’m talking about the hydra of Marxist groups all gathering under the “framework” of intersectionality that seeks to destroy not only Western civilization but all the “oppressors” they blame for the ills of the world.

For example, when Black Lives Matter (BLM) first stepped onto the scene, many across the world were swept up in its propaganda. Through the years, many conservative organizations tried to sound the alarm about BLM, calling attention to their Marxist mission statement that called for the destruction of the Western nuclear family structure. Just like any critics of taking in unvetted refugees were slandered as xenophobic or Islamophobic, critics of BLM were deemed racist or white supremacists. Yet BLM didn’t hide who they were — they told us openly.

In 2015, BLM founder Patrisse Collins said, “Palestine is our generation’s South Africa. If we don’t step up boldly and courageously to end the imperialist project that’s called Israel we’re doomed.”

Fast forward to this week. In the wake of Hamas’s unprovoked and heinous attacks on Israel, including its butchering, decapitation, and burning of babies, rape and murder of women, and abduction of women, children, and the elderly, BLM issued its support for Hamas and the pro-Palestinian movement with this statement:

To be clear, they’re showing not just support for Hamas’s actions but identification with them. BLM sees itself as oppressed and the white Western society as its oppressor. But wait, it gets worse. BLM’s Chicago chapter posted this:

That’s an image of a paraglider and that imagery shouldn’t be lost on anyone. It was paragliders that Hamas used to sweep in and land among peaceful concertgoers, and video of the terrorists mowing hundreds of young people down in cold blood went viral this past weekend. BLM Chicago knows that and it is celebrating. BLM Chicago knows what Hamas did, and it loves it.

This is all part and parcel to the intersectional, Marxist, “decolonialism” movement. The news site Not the Bee compiled examples of Marxists who say they want to decolonize the world, meaning they want to purge all areas of white and Jewish people.

Take this tweet as an example:

To understand this, one must understand the Marxist lie that separates all people into one of two categories: “oppressor” and “oppressed.” While the Soviets may have used Marxism to exploit the divide between economic classes, in Western society it has been used on the basis of ethnicity, sex, and sexual orientation or gender identity. Thus, under these new “rules,” all black and brown people are oppressed, while whites and Jews are oppressors. Women are oppressed and men are oppressors. LGBT people are oppressed, and straight and “cisgender” people are oppressors. The list goes on.

What happens, though, when those classifications overlap or come in conflict with each other? Generally speaking, whatever serves to forward the leftist narrative, or ranks higher on the intersectional pyramid of victimhood, wins. For example, women matter up to the point that they can be used to denigrate white men. Women no longer matter if they are harmed by or oppose other oppressed groups, hence the cheering by the woke left as young women were raped and killed and their dead bodies paraded through the streets of Gaza.

Intersectionality is how the left has managed to get disparate groups who would otherwise have nothing in common with each other to rally behind all of its causes. Take, for example, the scores of American university students who support Hamas. A sane person would conclude it makes little sense for an LGBT person or a woke “ally” to support the Palestinian liberation movement because if an LGBT person set foot in Gaza, Hamas would torture and murder them. Marxism isn’t sane, however, and convinces its followers that they are all in this together.

The woke Marxism of today’s Harvard college students is a philosophy that comes from 1) the rejection of Judeo-Christian values and objective truth, and 2) the safety and affluence afforded Americans for so long by those same values.

America has grown fat and arrogant on the prosperity that Judeo-Christian ethics have made possible.

It was the advent of Christianity that led to the recognition of the inherent value of every person.

It was Christianity that taught that women were worthy of being viewed as precious equals rather than property. It was Christianity that taught that order and sexual morality were integral to a functioning society, rather than the debauchery and pedophilia of the pagan world. It was Christianity that taught that humility and love for one’s neighbor were of the utmost importance leading to the rejection of the barbaric heathen and pagan cultures.

It was Christianity that led men and women to stay and take care of the sick and the helpless even in the midst of rampant disease. It was Christianity that led many scientists to seek out how God’s created order worked, leading to discovery. It was Christianity that led artists to paint and sculpt the masterpieces of the Renaissance. It was Christianity that informed the founders of the United States that every person was created equal and had the God-given right to freedom.

Most importantly, it was the Judeo-Christian ethic that taught men right and wrong, as well as instructed them about their nature — that, at its base level, humanity is evil and capable of barbarism.

Like a fattened pig, still living in the brick house built by their ancestors, Americans have been insulated from much of the horrors still rampant across the globe. Afforded this safety and prosperity, we were given time to think and to play, and feeling invulnerable, we decided we no longer needed the alleged shackles of the Judeo-Christian belief in objective truth and morality. Instead, we opted for secular humanism and relativism. We came to believe in the “noble savage” and that, inherently, people were good, but that only Western Christianity was to blame for the corruption of man.

Professing to be wise we became fools and worshipped and served the creature rather than the Creator, and began handing our enemies weapons, thinking we could reason with terrorists who did not share our society’s foundations in Judeo-Christian morality. Now we lack the moral spine to stand up to the atrocities of Hamas, Palestine, and Iran, and thanks to our adoption of relativism, we can no longer distinguish between the villain and his victim. We exchanged our brick house for a house of straw, and now it is about to come crashing down.

The college student who chants for a “free Palestine” while waving the Pride flag has no concept of what violence and savagery looks like. How could they? They grew up in a nation where the only violence they experienced (thanks to the protection of our nation’s Christian principles) was in the movies. They have no idea that they are the manipulated victims of those who would tear down the walls of our city — the very walls protecting us from the wickedness of men whose evil hearts are unrestrained by the influence of Judaism or Christianity.

Alexandr Solzhenitsyn, once a Soviet war hero, experienced firsthand the reality of Marxism eating its own. After penning a personal letter in which he criticized the Soviet leadership, he was slandered as a traitor and coward and imprisoned. As a result of his time in the gulag and his observations of the Soviet atrocities, he came to realize something that we may be too late in realizing: Western society doesn’t understand savagery. After being awarded the Nobel Prize in Literature, Solzhenitsyn declared in his speech,

“The timid civilized world has found nothing with which to oppose the onslaught of a sudden revival of barefaced barbarity, other than concessions and smiles.”

Barefaced barbarity is back in our post-Christian world. It’s back in the form of Islamic terrorists fueled by racism and hatred who get enjoyment out of butchering children and raping women. It’s back in the form of the leftists who when they say they want “equity” mean they want it by force. It’s back in the form of Chinese communists, Iranian zealots, and American academics who would rather see Christians thrown in a gulag than be allowed in society. And it’s back in the form of juvenile gangs fueled by the lies of systemic oppression who beat innocent people in the street and set fire to businesses in the name of “justice.”

The left showed and told us who they were, and no one believed them. Now America is too weak, too morally confused, to stop them. In a time when members of Congress blame Israel for the brutality of terrorists, rallies are held where pro-Palestinians shout “Gas the Jews!”, and pampered, spoiled children defend evil and yearn for its replication around the world, it’s clear that the West and America need God and His influence now more than ever.

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