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“We get our name because at seven weeks a baby is the size of a coffee bean, the same time a heartbeat is detectable under ultrasound.”
Seven Weeks Coffee was founded by Anton Krecic and his wife, Christa, in late 2021 with a vision and a mission to assist pro-life pregnancy centers. Since then, Seven Weeks Coffee has thrived, garnering 15,000 customers and enough business to donate over $60,000 to pro-life pregnancy centers across America.
Pro-life pregnancy centers can partner with Seven Weeks Coffee for discounted coffee at their centers while also receiving 10 percent of the revenue earned by customers who purchase through the pregnancy center’s partnership link.
The significance of the company name is very clever, which they have branded on their collection of merchandise. In a recent interview with the Freedom Center, Anton explained,
“We get our name because at seven weeks a baby is the size of a coffee bean, the same time a heartbeat is detectable under ultrasound.”
Anton went on to explain how sending proceeds to crisis pregnancy centers is helping to save lives.
“Ultrasound services are the No. 1 way that help mothers choose life for their child, and the most ways mothers get ultrasounds are through their crisis pregnancy center, or pregnancy care center as you call it, and we want to support those services. So that’s why we really tailored our services to support those centers.”
In response to the fallacious charge by the pro-choice crowd that the pro-life movement is only pro-birth, Anton is proving that argument to be unsustainable.
“There’s always the argument of, ‘Oh you guys only care about having a baby, but you don’t care about the mother or after the baby is born.’ That’s a total lie. The pro-life movement has been supporting mothers from family counseling, parenthood counseling, baby clothes materials. We are actively, and hopefully continually, supporting not just the life of the child through birth but the parents as well. We’ve been coming alongside of that and centers have been doing that for decades. They are meeting so many needs in a very practical way for people in their community.”
The practicality of a pro-life-themed coffee company is not just good for the caffeine-addicted souls of America, but is a convenient and impactful way to start conversations about the horrors of abortion and the many ministries that exist to help women understand their alternative options. As states battle the post-Roe legislative strategies in favor of life, pro-life pregnancy centers continue to serve women and children in oftentimes dangerous circumstances. These centers have been vandalized, threatened, firebombed, and have faced increased financial burdens due to the need for additional security and other resources. Supporting your local pro-life pregnancy center is a great way to show the love of Christ while reinforcing a holistic pro-life posture.
Follow John on Twitter! @johnwesleyreid
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