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A California judge has ruled that churches may operate with indoor services and with no attendance cap.
This ruling is a swift blow to California Gov. Gavin Newsom’s edict banning indoor services.
Ellis told Todd Starnes:
“This is a huge vindication for Pastor John and the Board of Elders at Grace Community Church, who have simply asked for their right to worship the Lord together in church to be acknowledged and protected. When I spoke with Pastor John after the hearing, he expressed sincere gratitude to the California Court and said his congregation will be happy to comply with the the judge’s temporary order. The full hearing is set for September 4. This is why John MacArthur is so deeply loved and respected by his congregation and all over the world. He is a gracious and firm leader, and his stand for church being essential has now been rightly validated. We look forward to continuing to advocate on his behalf in asking the Court to continue to protect the fundamental rights of churches.”
Ellis tweeted the news Friday afternoon: “Breaking with Paul Jonna: An HISTORIC WIN today for John MacArthur and Grace Community Church! Judge allows indoor services with singing and no attendance cap! Church agrees to adhere to mask and social distancing until full hearing. FIRST CA Court to recognize #ChurchIsEssential!”
This is a temporary restraining order where Judge James C. Chalfant of the Los Angeles Superior Court denied the overreaching demands of the country and further recognized the constitutionally protected right to practice religious freedom without oppressive regulation.
John MacArthur, pastor of Grace Community Church in southern California openly declared that his church will no longer adhere to the oppressive measures taken by the state. In a blog post, MacArthur penned:
“The biblical order is clear: Christ is Lord over Caesar, not vice versa. Christ, not Caesar, is head of the church,” MacArthur wrote. “Conversely, the church does not in any sense rule the state. Again, these are distinct kingdoms, and Christ is sovereign over both.”
More information will be made available on September 4 with the full ruling ensues.