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They’re (Still) After Your Kids


Why is that we have to rely on progressive atheist Bill Maher to call out the left’s creepy indoctrination and entrapment of children rather than “mainstream” Christian voices?

Here at the Freedom Center, we signed off 2022 with a stark recognition: “They really are after your kids.”

The “they” in question are the progressive power centers, from big tech and big government to big business and big education, which, combined, are attempting to reshape our cultural landscape according to a secular ethos.

Guess what? Their tactics haven’t changed. They’re still pursuing our kids, particularly through those institutions we once trusted as a safe zone to protect innocence, like libraries.

I know, show me your shocked face.

It’s vital to underscore progressivism’s nefarious fixation with ensnaring our youth with dangerous ideas, a point this article will hammer home with a fresh, yet alarming account.

But that’s not all.  

This article isn’t merely about left-wing zealotry running rampant. It’s also a portrait of the unlikely champions emerging for our children and the deafening silence from those we assumed would be their defenders.

Should the faithful falter, it seems Providence has no qualms about drafting the most unexpected candidates into service.

Bill Maher, for example.

We’ll circle back to Maher’s latest act that has sent shockwaves through his liberal circle.

First, though, let’s turn the spotlight on Wilmette, Illinois. It’s here where the Wilmette Public Library and McKenzie Elementary School’s Parent-Teacher Association have convened a forum “to teach children considering cross-dressing, or ‘sex change surgery,’ how to lobby their fellow students to refer to them with different ‘pronouns.’”

Yep, a school PTA and a library, funded by taxpayer dollars, are orchestrating a seminar that could easily double as a training camp for turning kids into mini pronoun warriors.

The game plan? Recruit children as the new frontline advocates for gender ideology, potentially setting the stage for peer-to-peer pressure campaigns against those who dare to dissent, at a young age, from “wrongthink.”

Headlining this event are two authors: a lesbian couple who have penned such page-turners as “A Kids Book About Pronouns” and the “Basic Parent Guide to Gender-Inclusive Language.” One identifies as a she/her while the other is a they/them, even though she’s only one person.

Details unearthed from a local bulletin reveal that these speakers urge parents to abandon biological distinctions like “boys” and “girls” and to nix “non-inclusive language,” like talking about female-specific clothing —  the word “dress” is verboten, if you haven’t heard.  

And for parents drawn to the dramatics of gender identity, our two lady lovers offer “therapy” for children as young as six. When the staff at the Wilmette Public Library saw their credentials, it was a swift YES to scheduling an appearance.

Absent was the voice of reason to suggest that perhaps children’s learning should prioritize, you know, the basics of education rather than obsessing over “gender expression,” reserving that topic for a more mature audience.

Remember, though: This absence of prudence isn’t accidental. It’s strategic. For those minors who have eluded the reach of an abortionist’s knife, progressives recognize a critical indoctrination period: The school years. Their teachings are intentionally designed to erode traditional Christian principles on gender and sexuality. The Alphabet Army cannot reproduce independently, and because progressives tend to have more cats than kids, their venue for “reproduction” takes place in the classroom or on the big screen. They are remaking your kids in their image.

Believe it or not, Bill Maher has had his fill of these propaganda efforts.

The sharp-tongued comedian recently lambasted the left for its selective blindness toward the sexualization of children, alluding to Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis’s confrontation with Disney’s “not-at-all-secret gay agenda.” Maher, bucking the trend of his usual allies, declared, “DeSantis wasn’t wrong.”

Maher didn’t stop there. He questioned the true beneficiaries of Drag Queen Story Hour, suggesting it’s less for the kids and more for the performers. “Sure, kids love a clown, but does the clown have to have [prosthetic breasts]?”

Pushing back further on left-wing dogma, Maher argued for different approaches to teaching “tolerance” — like increasing interactions with people who are handicapped — because kids “are more likely to encounter disabled people than drag queens in life.”

He warned of “inclusion” tipping into “promotion” and of losing sight of the fact that children aren’t grownups but rather impressionable little beings hungry for adult approval. In Maher’s view, “endlessly talking about gender to six-year-olds isn’t just inappropriate; it’s what the law would call entrapment, which means enticing people into doing something they wouldn’t ordinarily do.”

He concluded, “Maybe we should think about giving kids a break from our culture wars for a minute.”

This advice seems sound but, realistically, is likely to be ignored by librarians and school officials who believe they’re morally bound to teach kids the supposed merits of cross-dressing.

Say what you will about the HBO host, but he’s taken two unexpected but welcomed stances over the last few weeks: truthfully labeling abortion as murder (although he’s okay with it) and openly criticizing his progressive comrades for what he perceives as their preoccupation with transing America’s youth.

The political left has hijacked virtues like pluralism and tolerance, stripping them of the biblical guardrails needed for society to flourish. What remains is a moral free-for-all, a crusade of chaos that is currently marching to devour our children.

So, yes, progressives are (still) after our kids, and they’ve even slapped a hefty price tag on the ordeal — a staggering $20,596 per child. That’s the premium taxpayers in the Wilmette public school district pay for the privilege of a ‘they/them’ activist’s lectures on the evils of misgendering.

This is what indulging in secularism has wrought.

It’s a bizarre world when I find myself wishing that Bill Maher’s unflinching frankness would cascade into pulpits across America and even impact the David Frenches of evangelicalism, who insist on sugarcoating Drag Queen Story Hour as “one of the blessings of liberty.”

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